Part Number: ANGX110508PNR-GM YBC302
ISO Type: ANGX110508PNR-GM YBC302
Chip Breaker: GM. Grade: YBC302
Grade Description: TiCN + Thin Al2O3 + Thnk TiN (CVD) Coated Carbide
Workpiece Material (ISO): Steels (P15-P35)

Dimension (inch): L=0.467, W=0.331, S=0.224, d=0.138, r=0.031
Application: With special multi-layer coating for excellent wear resistance and strength, this insert is recommended for semi-finish through rough milling of steels with hardness less than HRC 45.
Associated Square Shoulder Milling Cutters: EMP13Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.