Part Number: ANGX150616PNR-GM YBG205
ISO Type: ANGX150616PNR-GM YBG205
Chip Breaker: GM. Grade: YBG205
Grade Description: Nano-structured nc-TiAlN (PVD) coated ultrafine carbide
Workpiece Material (ISO): Stainless Steels (M10-M30), Steels (P10-P30)

Dimension (inch): L=0.608, W=0.433, S=0.287, d=0.173, r=0.063
Application: With great strength and toughness, this insert is excellent for finish through semi-finish milling of stainless steels and mold steels.
Associated Square Shoulder Milling Cutters: EMP13Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.