Part Number: APKT11T308-PF YBG202
ISO Type: APKT11T308-PF
Chip Breaker: PF. Grade: YBG202.
Grade Description: nc-TiAlN nano PVD coating on ultrafine-grained carbide with high strength and toughness, a Nano Coating grade
Workpiece Material (ISO): P10-P30, M10-M30, K10-K25, S05-S20
Dimension (inch): L=0.482, I.W.=0.256, S=0.142, d=0.110, r=0.031

Application: With advanced PVD nano coating on ultrafine carbide, this insert has strong cutting edges and offers high wear and buildup resistance. It is ideal for finish milling at high speeds of a wide range of materials, particularly stainless steels and high-temperature alloys.
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.
here to APKT11T308 main page.