Part Number: CCMT2(1.5)2-HR YBD152
ISO Type: CCMT060204-HR YBD152
Chip Breaker: HR; Grade: YBD152.
Grade Description:
YBD152 It is a general-purpose grade for cast irons turning. The CVD coating with medium thick Al2O3 and thick TiCN layer has excellent adhesion to the high-strength ultrafine tungsten carbide. It is suitable for medium to high speed turning. At medium speed it can withstand minor machining shock during operations, such as interrupted turning.
Dimension (inch): L=0.252, I.C.=0.250, S=0.094, d=0.110, r=0.031
Workpiece Material (ISO): Cast Iron (K05-K25)
Application: This insert consists of strong carbide substrate, MT-Ti(CN)+ medium thick layer Al2O3 and TiN coating that offers excellent wear resistance. With the HR chip breaker, It is suitable for rough machining of cast irons, nodular cast irons at medium and high cutting speeds.
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.
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