Part Number: CCMT2(1.5)1-HR YBC152
ISO Type: CCMT060204-HR YBC152
Chip Breaker: HR; Grade: YBC152.
Grade Description: Thick TiCN + thick Al2O3 coating on carbide, a grade of Black Diamond Series For Steel Machining (color: black)
Workpiece Material (ISO): Steels (P05-P25)

Dimension (inch): L=0.252, I.C.=0.250, S=0.094, d=0.110, r=0.016
Application: The insert has a special thick and smooth multi-layer CVD coating that offers outstanding wear resistance and toughness. With positive rake angle, it is an excellent choice for roughing of steels at high speeds. Cutting speed can increase by more than 25% while tool life can increase by more than 30% at the same cutting speed.
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.
here to CCMT21.51 main page.