CNMG543-PM YBD252 (10 pieces)
Product Description

ISO Code: CNMG160612-PM YBD252
Chip Breaker: PM;
Grade: YBD252
Workpiece Material (ISO Class): Cast Irons (K15-K30)
Grade Description: Medium Thick Al2O3 + Tthick TiCN CVD Coated Carbide, A Grade of Black Diamond Series for Cast Iron Machining (color: black)
Application: This insert offers excellent combination of wear resistance and toughness. It is highly recommended for medium machining to light roughing at low to medium speeds of nodular cast irons.
Depth of Cut (ap): 1.5-5.0 mm.
Feed Rate (fn): 0.15-0.5 mm/r.
Speed (vc): 180-450 m/min
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.
here to CNMG543 main page.