Part Number: DCMT2(1.5)2-HM YBD152
ISO Type: DCMT070208-HM YBD152
Chip Breaker: HM; Grade: YBD152.
Grade Description: Thick TiCN + medium thick Al2O3 coating on carbide, has good flaking resistance. It is suitable for turning of cast iron at high speed, and light intermittent cutting can be supported even at moderate speed. a grade of Black Diamond Series for machining Cast Iron. ( black color).
Workpiece Material (ISO): Cast Iron (K05-K25)

Dimension (inch): L=0.307, I.C.=0.250, S=0.094, d=0.110, r=0.031
Application: The insert has multi-layer CVD coating on high-strength ultrafine tungsten carbide. It is suitable for general-purpose turning of cast irons at medium to high speeds. It can be used for light interrupted turning at medium speeds.
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.