Part Number: DCGW2(1.5)1T01515 YCB011
ISO Type: DCGW070204T01515 YCB011
Number of PCBN Tip: 1, Grade: YCB011
Edge Profile and Finishing: T (standard, chamfering)
Grade Description: Fine carbide substrate brazed with high PCBN content tip
Workpiece Material: Cast Iron (K05-K15), Hardened Steel

Dimension (inch): ΦI.C.=0.250, S=0.094, Φd=0.110, r=0.016, la=0.098
Chamfer Width: 0.006”, Chamfer Angle: 15˚
Application: This positive insert has one brazed PCBN tip that offers superb wear and heat resistance. It is ideal for heavy interrupted turning of cast irons and hardened steels with 45-65 HRC.