Part Number: ONHU060408-PM YBM351
ISO Type: ONHU060408-PM YBM351
Chip Breaker: PM. Grade: YBM351
Grade Description: CVD MT TiCN+Al2O3 coating on carbide grade
Workpiece Material (ISO): Stainless Steels (M20-M40), Steels (P25-P40)
Dimension (inch): L=0.259, ΦI.C.=0.625, S=0.187, Φd=0.173, r=0.033

Application: The insert with 16 high-strength cutting edges offers great productivity. With high toughness for impact resistance, it is suitable for semi-finish face milling of stainless steels, steels and alloy steels.
Associated Cutters: FMA07
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.