ISO Type: SDMT120412-DM
Chip Breaker: DM; Grade: YBG202.
Grade Description: TiAlN nano PVD Coated Ultrafine Carbide
Workpiece Material (ISO): Steels (P10-P30), Stainless Steels (M10-M30), High-Temperature Alloys (S05-S20)
Dimension (inch): α=15°, L=0.500, r=0.047, S=0.187, d=0.173, I.C.=0.500
Application: This insert has strong cutting edges and offers high wear and buildup resistance. It is a versatile insert for semi-finish through rough high-feed milling (HFM) of a wide variety of different workpiece materials, particularly stainless steels in average machining conditions.
Associated Milling Cutters: XMR01 (3/4”~1 ¾” cutting diameter), XMR01 (2”~6” cutting diameter)
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.
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