Part Number: SEKR42AFN YBG202
ISO Type: SEKR1203AFN YBG202
Grade: YBG202. Chip Breaker: through type
Grade Description: nc-TiAlN nano PVD coating on ultrafine-grained carbide with high strength and toughness, a Nano Coating grade
Workpiece Material (ISO): Steels (P10-P30), Stainless Steels (M10-M30), K ( Cast Iron)

Dimension (inch): L=0.500, I.C.=0.500, S=0.125, bs=0.071
Application: This insert has an advanced hard coating made with nano technology, and superior deformation resistance and toughness with engineered carbide substrate. It is an excellent choice for general machining of a wide variety of P, M and K workpiece materials.
Associated milling cutter:
FMA03Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.