Product Number: SPMX090408-XM YB9320
ISO Type: SPMX090408-XM YB9320
Chip Breaker: XM. Grade: YB9320
Grade Description: Special multi-layer PVD TiAlN-based nano coating on fine-grained carbide
Work pieces materials: P, M, K, N materials. (Steels, Stainless Steels, Cast Iron, Aluminum Alloy)
Insert Type for Drilling: Peripheral and central drilling insert

Dimension (inch): I.C.=0.386, S=0.169, d=0.165, r=0.031
Application: The XM chip breaker is an ideal geometry for general-purpose drilling of various material in stable machining operations. The YB9320 grade is good for drilling P, M, K, N materials. This peripheral and central insert is ideal for drilling of various materials in stable conditions
Note: Product sold in a pack of 10 units