Part Number: TNGA331S01020 YCB012
ISO Type: TNGA160404S01020
Number of PCBN Tip: 1, Grade: YCB012
Edge Profile and Finishing: S (standard, chamfering and honing)
Grade Description: Fine carbide substrate brazed with low PCBN content tip
Workpiece Material (ISO Class): Hardened Steel (H05-H15)

Dimension (inch): ΦI.C.=0.375, S=0.187, Φd=0.15, r=0.016, la=0.098
Chamfer Width: 0.004”, Chamfer Angle: 20˚
Application: This insert has a single brazed PCBN tip with chamfering and honing. It offers superb wear and heat resistance, and is ideal for high speed continuous or minor interrupted turning of hardened steels with 45-65 HRC.