Part Number: VBMT332-EF YBM153
ISO Type: VBMT160408-EF YBM153
Chip Breaker: EF; Grade: YBM153.
Grade Description: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN (CVD) Coated Fine Carbide
Workpiece Material (ISO): Stainless Steels (M05-M35)

Dimension (inch): L=0.650, I.C.=0.375, S=0.187, d=0.173, r=0.031
Application: With the new YBM153 grade and EF chip breaker, this insert is suitable for continuous finishing of stainless steels at high speeds in stable cutting conditions. It delivers great cutting performance with great surface quality.
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.