Part Number: WNHU332PNR-GM YBD152
ISO Type: WNHU060408PNR-GM YBD152
Chip Breaker: GM. Grade: YBD152
Grade Description: TiCN + Thick Al2O3 (CVD) Coated Carbide
Workpiece Material (ISO): Cast Irons (K05-K25)
Dimension (inch): L=0.224, ΦI.C=0.375, S=0.157, Φd=0.138, bs=0.053, r=0.031

Application: The insert with highly engineered coating on strong substrate offers excellent wear and micro-chipping resistance. It is ideal for general-purpose machining of cast irons under normal machining conditions.
Associated Face Milling Cutters: FMP12 (1"-2" cutting diameter), FMP12 (2"-6" cutting diameter)
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.