Part Number: CCMT3(2.5)1-EM YBM253
ISO Type: CCMT09T304-EM YBM253
Chip Breaker: EM; Grade: YBM253.
Grade Description: Combination of Ti(CN)+thin layer Al2O3+TiN CVD coated ultra-fine grain carbide with better wear resistance and toughness.
Workpiece Material (ISO): Stainless Steels (M15-M35)

Dimension (inch): L=0.382, I.C.=0.375, S=0.156, d=0.173, r=0.016
Application: With the new YBM253 grade and EM chip breaker, this insert is suitable for semi-finishing of stainless steel with high cutting depth and high feed rate under challenging cutting conditions.
Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.
here to CCMT32.51 main page.