Part Number: RDKW0803MO YBG202
ISO Type: RDKW0803MO YBG202
Grade: YBG202. Chip Breaker: through type
Grade Description: nc-TiAlN nano PVD coating on ultrafine-grained carbide with high strength and toughness, a Nano Coating grade
Workpiece Material (ISO): Steels (P10-P30), Stainless Steels (M10-M30), Heat Resistant Alloys (S05-S20)

Dimension (inch): I.C.=0.315, S=0.125, d=0.134
Application: This insert has an advanced hard coating made with nano technology, and superior deformation resistance and toughness with engineered carbide substrate. It is an excellent choice for general purpose milling of a wide variety of P,M, S workpiece materials.
Associated milling cutter:
FMR03Note: Product sold in packs of 10 units.