CCMT 3(2.5)0

Dimension (inch): L=0.382, I.C.=0.375, S=0.156, d=0.173, r=0.008


ANSI ISO Chip Breaker Grade Coating ISO Classification
CCMT3(2.5)0-HF CCMT09T302-HF HF YBC251 CVD 10-30 - - -
CCMT3(2.5)0-HF CCMT09T302-HF HF YBC252 CVD 10-35 - - -
CCMT3(2.5)0-HF CCMT09T302-HF HF YBG202 PVD 10-30 10-25 - 10-20
CCMT3(2.5)0-EF CCMT09T302-EF EF YBG202 PVD 10-30 10-25 - 10-20
CCMT3(2.5)0-EF CCMT09T302-EF EF YBG205 PVD - 10-30 - -

CCMT3(2.5)0-HF YBC251 (10 pieces)
For finishing of a wide variety of steels (in stock)
CCMT3(2.5)0-HF YBC252 (10 pieces)
For finishing of a wide range of steels. It performs well in demanding and dry cutting condition with improved tool life.
CCMT3(2.5)0-HF YBG202 (10 units)
For finishing of various materials, particularly steels, stainless steel and cast iron
CCMT3(2.5)0-EF YBG202 (10 pieces)
For finishing of sticky workpiece materials, particularly stainless steels and high-temperature alloys
CCMT3(2.5)0-EF YBG205 (10 pieces)
For finishing of stainless steels on small workpieces that require high surface smoothness (in stock)