SEET4(2.5)-W (ISO: SEET12T3-W) - Wiper Inserts

Dimension (inch): L=0.702, I.C.=0.528, S=0.156, d=0.161, bs=0.372 R=19.685

SEET4(2.5)-W YBD152 (10 pieces)
Insert with wiper design for finish to semi-finish face milling of cast irons
SEET4(2.5)-W YBM251(10 pieces)
Insert with wiper design for finish to semi-finish face milling of steels and stainless steels at high speeds.
SEET4(2.5)-W YBG202(10 pieces)
Insert with wiper design for finish to semi-finish face milling of steels, stainless steels and heat resistant alloys
SEET4(2.5)-W YD201(10 pieces)
Insert with wiper design for finish to semi-finish face milling of aluminum alloys and other non-ferrous metals.
Regular price: $86.00
Sale price: $0.00